SWCA has a team of landscape architects and ecological design professionals who can support you in the creation of landscaping and ecological design projects, from start to finish. Whether the scope of your project includes complex site planning or detailed landscape design, we’ll work with you to seamlessly incorporate new desired features into your existing environment. The best development projects blend the natural and built environments into one harmonious space. Connect with Us Residential Landscape Architecture Single-family homes, multi-family homes, and senior living communities stand out when surrounded by well-planned landscaping and outdoor features. Sustainable stormwater management design.Along with many other landscape architecture services, we offer: We believe that design should be symbiotic to existing and planned site characteristics, and we achieve this through integrated solutions that allow us to leverage civil, geotechnical, and ecological engineering to design functional solutions. Our landscape architects plan gardens, parks, friendly streetscapes, bike paths and public areas that harmonize with the community infrastructure and environment. We transform landscapes into imaginative, recuperative and sensory spaces designed to captivate clients, their customers and communities. They use their varied backgrounds to understand community and urban planning, sustainability, ecological services, grading and drainage, site layout, and plant identification. PEA Group’s approach to landscape architecture is centered on shaping a unique sense of place in a world where sameness is often the default - and we strive to do that with every project by offering exceptionally creative solutions and utilizing a responsive team approach. CHA’s landscape architecture team draws on science and design principles for the analysis, planning, design, management, and stewardship of public and private spaces.