Mark Arant: The people I'm interacting, like in the foyer last week, this person who they've never been to church, but they're a new baby Christian, excited to learn through Revelation and are trying to catch up with some of the terms.

Jeff Dodge: Not as familiar, you're saying? They don't have a starting point? I feel like our students, more younger college, are just more impressionable, younger in their faith. Mark Arant: I wonder if Veritas, Cedar Rapids is going to have just some older saints that have more background in this, maybe more opinions. Mark Arant: I think this is where you're going to see a pretty big difference between our churches. If you had to guess, what do you think the average Veritas attendee, listener to these messages, do you have a gut feeling of what the starting point is for. Jeff Dodge:Ěs you think about that, again, it's not just we that bring something into the text. Jeff Dodge: Had to keep it on the down-low? Well, and then had a mentor later who was coming from more of a reformed, amillennial view, so that challenged some of my understanding. Jake Each:Ĝan you imagine doing that? We're having a Sunday meeting, I've changed my theological position? That'd be an adventure. Now that I look at it, it's all very much still in one understanding of Revelation, so I don't know how big of a move that was. Jake Each: Wait, he presented a change of view on a Sunday night service? Did he open it up for questions then? There was a lot of controversy stirred up in that. It was a big deal though when our pastor switched his position to more of a pre-wrath rapture, and I still remember the Sunday night church when he was presenting. I was raised in a very evangelical Bible-teaching church, so I think it was a pre-millennial, pre-trib teaching on it. And it's like, so this is how it's going to play out? I just took that as, "Oh yeah, that's how it is," and never really gave it much thought after that. It was just, you took that fictional story and just applied it to that. I never really read it and studied it for myself. "Oh, that's an explanation of what's being taught." And you just took it. That kind of understanding, it was just assumed.
Eternity bible study podcast zambia series#
Growing up, it was when the Left Behind series books were out, so I think we read through those as a family or listened to them on tape. What do you guys have as a starting point? What do you bring to the text and the Book of Revelation? What's your background to understanding this book? Jake, you want to start up? I've had to see what part of that was legit, illegit, part of the Bible, not part of the Bible, because that was all that I knew and just assumed it was all true as an early believer. That was imprinted on me early on as a Christian, where that was the image I had of the Book of Revelation and all things end times. They were very scary and very terrifying, and they were evangelistic to get people to come to know Jesus before this very apocalyptic end of things. There was A Thief in the Night, Image of the Beast, all these that had to do with the rapture of the church. When I came to know Jesus in college, at that point, there was this big push among a lot of Christian churches and Christian ministries on the campus to show all these movies. It's going to be a fun little time to talk about it. This is a fun opportunity to actually just talk about what is that like from a pastoral perspective, as a leader going through this? How are we approaching it, and what are we thinking? Thanks for letting me do this, you guys. All of us are taking this journey through the Book of Revelation over this next several weeks, few months here. And sitting here with two other Veritas pastors, Mark Arant, that I work with in Iowa City, and Jake Each in Cedar Rapids. Jeff Dodge: Well, Veritas family, and by that I mean every Veritas church out there and anybody else that wants to listen in, my name's Jeff.